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About me

Having the chance to roam around our great planet has inspired me to dedicate my time to creating films to tell my story.


Time-Lapse photography is a great way to show the world in all its detail and glory. Capturing life as we know it by capturing one image at a time and running it back in fast forward.


Please feel freet to get in contact with me for questions and comments. If you have an idea that you would liket to work on together i would be more than happy to talk it over.




Sometimes you have to leave that comfort zone you live in to have earth reveal it's true beauty to you.


Let's talk

Feel free to get in contact for any info or comments you may have.


Please allow between 24-48hrs for a response due to being on a different time zone constantly. 

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Created by Bassem Hamadeh @2015


All images and videos on this site are owned by Bassem Hamadeh, Please use the contact form to obtain permission of use for any of the content found. All rights reserved.

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